Sustainable & Competitive Nordic Securities Markets

The Nordic Securities Association works to promote sustainable and competitive securities markets in the Nordic region.

Latest news and publications from Nordic Securities Association

You will find all our News, Events, Consultations and Position Papers here.

August 29, 2023 Consultation MiFID II NSA PRIIPs Retail Investment Strategy
March 30, 2023 CMU EU Commission Market Abuse MiFID II Prospect

The Nordic Financial Ecosystem Forum 2023

Europe’s Capital Markets in the World

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The Nordic Financial Ecosystem Forum 2022

The conference will focus on the Capital Markets Union from a corporate as well as a young and digital investor perspective, diversity in securities markets, and sustainable finance.

The conference will allow interactions between European policymakers and opinion leaders as well as representatives from the financial services industry from the Nordic and Baltic countries and the EU at large.

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Nordic Capital Markets

In the efficient Nordic Capital Markets, NSA member firms deliver essential financial services and help raise risk capital in the business sector.

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Number of IPOs in the Nordic region 2022 YTD (Q3)

Billion EUR raised in IPOs
Billion EUR raised in Secondary Offerings