Norwegian Securities Dealers Association
The Norwegian Securities Dealers Association was founded in 1915.
The Norwegian Securities Dealers Association is a national trade organisation for investment firms.
The Association’s vision is for investment firms to be profitable enterprises that have competitive framework conditions and carry out their activities in a way that imbues respect and trust among clients and the authorities. In addition, investment firms are to be attractive workplaces for highly qualified persons.
The Association’s most important tasks include:
- giving its members advice, information and other assistance in connection with their activities
- preparing binding industry standards, industry guidelines and standardised contracts and commercial terms, etc.
- establishing best practice in adopting changes in the legal framework
- preparing appeals that are submitted to the Ethics Council for its decision
- holding courses and examinations in connection with the Association’s licencing scheme for employees of member firms
- preparing statistics and obtaining the necessary information on the industry and members for this purpose.
Please visit the Norwegian Securities Dealers Association website for further information.

Sindre Støer,
CEO Verdipapirforetakenes Forbund,